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Join us on Sunday

What to Expect



At FRC, we believe the healthiest diet for the church is consistent and faithful exposition of the Word of God. Generally speaking, we practice lectio continua, which means "continuous reading" -- This means that we preach through entire books of the Bible, verse-by-verse from beginning to end. You can expect the preaching time to last between forty-five minutes to an hour each Sunday.


For each of our services, a great effort is made to create a cohesive time in worship, and our music is no exception. We seek to sing songs to the Lord and each other each week that teach us, encourage us, and give glory to God. Our music is theologically rich and musically contemporary, incorporating both ancient and modern songs. You can expect us to sing four to five songs each week.



As the body of Christ, we desire to have meaningful relationships with one another. We try to create opportunities for this to happen in addition to Sunday mornings. This includes a fellowship meal every fourth Sunday of the month. We hope you will stay for this meal following the Sunday service so that we can all get to know each other better.


We believe the best place for kids is with their families and fellow believers in the worship service as soon as they are able. Each week we have an incredible opportunity to preach the gospel to all our kids in word and deed as we sing, give, pray, and learn together in a corporate setting.

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